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Monday, August 3, 2009

A Future Mother's note

So we have now found out a lot more about the adoption process. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit freaked out right now. I'm the kind of person (and I know you will all be SO suprised at this) who has to have everything planned out, and then have a plan to complete the plan. I'm beginning to see that my plans to plan are about to fly out the window. From what I've heard it'll probably stay that way for the next 20 years or so. So, for inquiring minds, this is what we have found out. We have completed the preapplication process and are approved to fill out the actual application. You know it's going to be a long road when you have to be approved to even fill out an application. We have to pick a homestudy agency (the people that will completely invade our privacy over the next few months) and then we'll be ready to turn in the application. Even just picking someone to do the homestudy is much more intensive than I thought it might be. After we turn in the application we have 90 days to turn in the contract, and then we start the homestudy process.
During our call with our adoption coordinator last week we covered costs. Now we've come to the root of what freaks me out. As you know, I'm a banker, I come by it honestly. Though, I'm sure my Dad thought the day would never come that I would freak over money when I had no concept of what it was in college and my complete lack of a clue was turning him gray. Our first payment is due with the contract. I've marked the last few years of my life by the lessons that God was teaching me. He spent a couple years on patience (which I just couldn't wait to stop learning about!) and then He moved on to rest in Him alone, followed quickly by His plans are unchanging , which was coupled with His plans are better than our own plans. Now it seems that God has moved on to He will provide for us and lean on Him all who are weary and heavy laden. That brings us to our prayer request. Please pray that God will provide the financial means for this adoption and the wisdom to make the right decisions along the way.
Thanks for all of your support. We've been amazed at how many people are being supportive of this.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your decision to adopt! It is an amazing journey! Even the anxious and tough times become special memories of this process, because those are the unique memories that lead to your child. Keep in touch!

